Health Zone


M-KEM’s Health Zone has devoted a large area to complementary medicine and has focused on this department. People are more inclined these days to take control of their health care. With internet access at their disposal, they are also more informed than was previously the case.
Specialized training in the usage and formulations of complementary medicines is essential to recommend the correct medication for the correct ailment. M-KEM’s Complementary Health Staff are regularly updated and undergo training to ensure that their knowledge of Complementary Medicine is sufficient.

“Natural” does not always mean “safe”. Often, when used in combination with prescribed medicine, they can have undesired effects. It is essential that the user be assisted by somebody who is adequately trained.

Included in this department (otherwise known as alternative medicines), are homeopathic, herbal and natural products.

Our Brands

M-KEM’s Health Zone stocks a vast range of products including: Solgar, Solal, Good Health, Enzyme Process, Vital, Natura, Metagenix, TIBB, Pegasus, A.Vogel, Pharmachoice, Nutrilida, Biostrath, Menacal, Spirulina, Bach Flower Remedies, Burgess & Finch, Homeforce, Phytoforce, Heel, Herbaforce, MNI, Eye Q, Vibrant Health, Sportron, Amipro and a host of others.

Health Foods

M-KEM’s Healh Zone also has available an extensive range of specialised health foods including gluten free products, alternative sweetners / sugars, nut flours, oils, diabetic friendly foods, herbal teas and low carb foods. brands include Lifegain, Future Life, Natures Choice, Superfoods, Crede Oils, Health Connection and many more.

Contact Us

Prescriptions: [email protected]

021 948 5706

021 948 5706

More Information

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