We all know 2020 has been a challenging year for many and continues to test us. No two experiences have been the same, however we can all feel the strain that this year has taken on us. End-of-year fatigue has taken on a new meaning in 2020, with many people suffering from fatigue, sleeplessness, anxiety, and lack of motivation.
So how can we approach the rest of the year head on, whilst preventing further burnout?
Support your body:
When our bodies are placed under prolonged periods of distress (negative stress), it can be taxing on our bodies. To combat the negative effects of chronic stress, try the following:
- Move your body for 20 minutes per day. This can be whatever works for you and fits into your schedule.
- Try the 80/20 approach. 80% of meals are healthy and wholesome and allow yourself 20%, for foods that should be consumed in moderation.
- Ensure that you are getting 7-8 hours of good quality sleep.
- Stay hydrated.
- Avoid excessive use of stimulants and sugar.
Support your mind:
Chronic stress can cause changes in the brain and affect behaviour. Try to implement the following lifestyle changes and techniques to combat chronic stress:
- Daily 5-minute meditation.
- Try 2-5 minutes of deep breathing or equal breathing. [Sit in a relaxed position, shoulders rolled back. Breath in through the nose for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts (optional) and exhale for 4 counts.]
Support your spirit:
This year has not only taken a physical toll, but also an emotional toll on all of us. So, to help with the emotional stress focus on the following:
- Focus on that which you can control. It can be overwhelming if we are not in control of our situation but try to focus on things big and small that you can still control.
- Stay connected to your support system.
- Participate in an activity that brings you reassurance and calm. This is an activity unique to you.
There are many aspects to stress and so there are many different interventions to reducing stress and preventing the negative effects.
If you feel that you need more assistance feel free to speak to one of our assistants in the Healthzone.
(We recommend you consult your physician with any serious medical concerns.)