Homeopathic medicines are often mistaken for herbals or food supplements when in fact they are medicines. Remarkable ones. Micro-dosed homeopathic medicines have no known side-effects*, don’t combine dangerously with other medicines and have no contra-indications. Therefore you have no reason to delay taking homeopathic medicines for fear of developing other problems such as an upset stomach, drowsiness, or dizziness.
Because of their inherent safety, homeopathic medicines are frequently used for treatment of self diagnosable conditions. In fact, when taken at the first sign of illness, these medicines are capable of nipping your problem in the bud. This is the best time to help your body fight a problem.
Homeopathic medicines are thought to act as positive reinforcements to the body, stimulating its own natural resources to do the work it knows best. The body has amazing healing expertise and homeopathic medicines trust its ability to resolve the situation quickly and efficiently.
Boiron Laboratories, based in Lyon, France, is one of the largest manufacturer of homeopathic medicines in the world. Founded in 1932 by twin brothers Jean and Henri Boiron, the company continues to grow from strength to strength and is largely focused on developing homeopathy worldwide. Boiron’s operating principles are based on ethics – respect for the uniqueness of homeopathic medicines, rigour – pharmaceutical expertise, innovation – exploring and perfecting techniques for homeopathy, quality – controlling the manufacturing environment, and availability — the Boiron products are currently available in more than 80 countries. Boiron Laboratories also funds independent research teams in Europe and the United States.
The ingredients of the Boiron products are all documented in homeopathic literature. We invite you to seize the opportunity offered by Boiron homeopathic medicines. They are body-friendly, body-compatible, in other words, they are recommended by your body!
Oscillococcinum® is a homeopathic medicine that can assist the body to fight flu symptoms and flu-like symptoms such as body aches, pains, chills and fever at their onset1. Oscillococcinumis the No 1 OTC Flu medicine in France2 and also the No1 Cold & Flu Homeopathic product in Natural Supermarkets and Health Stores in the United States3.
Studies have shown that Oscillococcinum® can effectively relieve flu symptoms within 24 hours, and that it has a positive effect in relation to the duration of the disease1. Oscillococcinum® is available in unit-dose tubes of small granules that melt in your mouth. No water is needed! You can keep it with you all the time and take it as soon as those first flu symptoms strike!
Stodal® is a homeopathic syrup that can assist with the relief of coughs & colds. It provides a soothing, complex formula of ingredients able to tackle the problem from all angles.
Homeovox® is a homeopathic medicine that can assist with loss of voice, hoarseness, fatigue of vocal cords & laryngitis.
Coryzalia®can assist with colds, sinusitis and hay fever.
Because of their homeopathic formulations, these products do not cause drowsiness, contain no stimulants and can be used by adults, children and the elderly.
The Boiron Homeopathic Range is available at leading pharmacies and health shops countrywide. For more information, e-mail [email protected].
Applicant: V.J. Bartlett Distributed by: LeBron Health (Pty) Ltd • 1st Floor Convention Tower,
Cnr. Heerengracht& Walter Sisulu Avenue, Cape Town, 8001, Tel: (021) 403 6390
E-mail: [email protected]
www.facebook.com/LeBronHealth www.lebron.co.za
* In rare cases some individuals may experience initial effects on taking homeopathic medicines. If symptoms persist for more than 5 days or worsen, consult a practitioner.
References: 1Oscillococcinum in patients with influenza-like syndromes, R Papp et al. British homeopathic journal, April 1998, 87, 69-76, 2SO GERS Value MAT 12 2012, 3SPINS can VALUE MAT12 2012.
Oscillococcinum® Flu Granules: Anas barbariaehepatis et cordisExtr. 200K. U2151 (Act 101/1965); Stodal® Syrup: Anemone pulsatilla 6 CH – 0.95g, Antimoniumtartaricum 6 CH – 0.95g, Bryonia 3 CH – 0.95g, Coccus cacti 3 CH – 0.95g, Drosera MT – 0.95g, Ipecacuanha 3 CH – 0.95g, Myocarde 6 CH – 0.95g, Rumexcrispus 6 CH – 0.95g, Spongiatosta 3 CH – 0.95g, Sticta pulmonaria 3 CH – 0.95g, Tolu syrup – 19.00g, Senega syrup – 19.00g, Excipient q.s.p.100.00g. U2161 (Act 101/1965); Homeovox® Tablets: Aconitum napellus 3 CH, Ferrumphosphoricum 6 CH, Spongiatosta 6 CH, Mercuriussolubilis 6 CH, Kaliumbichromicum 6 CH, Bryonia 3 CH, Arum triphyllum 3 CH, Calendula 6 CH, Belladonna 6 CH, Heparsulfur 6 CH, Populuscandicans 6 CH. U2146 (Act 101/1965); Coryzalia® Tablets: Allium cepa 3 CH, Sabadilla 3 CH, Gelsemium 3 CH, Belladonna 3 CH, Kaliumbichromicum
3 CH, Pulsatilla 3 CH. U2137 (Act 101/1965)