Calcium and magnesium are two very important minerals that we require for the functioning of many of the organs in our body. Essential vitamins and minerals must be present in the human body in the correct quantities because too little AND too much can cause damage.

Calcium is important for the building and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, as well as promoting blood clotting. Along with magnesium it helps to regulate the heart beat, aid muscle tone, muscle contraction and magnesium balances that effect and relaxes the muscles. A lack of calcium will lead to such things as muscle pains and spasms and the weakening of the bones: rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. Too much calcium however can cause joint degeneration and calcification of soft tissue.

Magnesium is critical in maintaining health and preventing diseases. It activates hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body and hence plays a very important role in our wellbeing and emotional state. Because it is involved in so many functions, a lack of magnesium will lead to a vast variety of nervous and vascular symptoms such as tremors, muscle spasm, nausea and even personality changes. Excessive use of magnesium (such as Epsom salt or some laxatives) will cause an imbalance of other minerals and will lead to fatigue, gastrointestinal problems and cardiovascular disease. Depression can be related to high AND low levels of calcium and / or magnesium.

The best way of ensuring that we have all the vitamins and minerals that we require is by ensuring a healthy and well balanced diet. Calcium is best obtained from dairy products and magnesium is found in nuts, legumes leafy green vegetables and whole grains. To supplement, extra nutrients can be obtained by taking a good multi vitamin. However in areas where a particular deficiency is identified, it is important to top up on these.

Calcium and magnesium are often found in combination preparations. We use this combination when the body requires assistance with bone, immune and energy support. The minerals are usually in the ration of two parts calcium and one part magnesium. Such preparations will also contain other nutrients and vitamins like Vitamin D and Zinc, which assist with the uptake of the calcium and magnesium, and help them perform their functions optimally.

At M-KEM we have a comprehensive selection of the superior calcium and magnesium combinations as well as an extensive range of multi vitamins.

Gillian Watson